April 29, 2017

Worlds bestest cherry pie inspired by Katy Perry

Katy Perry's new song called 'Bon Appetit' is out. She published the new single together with her own cherry pie recipe and on the day after the release, fans could meet her in New York at a food truck giving out of her Cherry Pie. For me as a food-addict and hobby cook/baker, this was something I had to try.

Well... you know me, I always have to change recipes up and I did it here too. So as Katy Perry makes the "worlds best cherry pie", I make the "worlds bestest cherry pie". Check it out!
So, what I tried to do is: Stay as close as possible to Katy's original recipe. She postet a written recipe and even filmed a "how to" video

The only thing I changed was replacing the cows butter with vegan butter. I used the Earth Balance, it comes in a cube-shaped tub and in my opinion is really close to what non-vegan butter tastes like. Also as I didn't have fresh cherries, I used canned ones. Didn't make a difference in my opinion as you bring them to boil anyways. 
Now, my version of the cherry pie is cruelty-free. I don't know how Katy Perry thinks about veganism but she should try it. You get the same taste, the same flavors and you don't higher your cholesterol level. Milk and any other forms of dairy products clog your arteries because dairy is always coming with a lot of saturated fat. It's not good for your cardiovascular system. The vegan butter alternative is made of oils from plants, so it's made out of unsaturated fats. 

Right now, there is a lot of advertisement happening to promote dairy. But don't let them fool you. Inform yourself
Here comes my recipe of a cruelty-free vegan cherry pie. Bon Appetit!
Ingredients for the crust:
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour (I think you could even use spelt flour)
1 cup vegan butter (e.g. Earth Balance)
1/2 cup ice cold water
Ingredients for the filling:
6 cups cherries (fresh or canned, probably even frozen)
2 Tablespoons vegan butter
3/4 cups sugar (or brown sugar)
2 Tablespoons Water
3 Tablespoons Cornstarch 
Combine flour and vegan butter with your hands until you feel like the dough is too dry (moist sand) and then slowly add the water, one spoon at a time. When the dough is sticky enough to stay together, form two balls, form a disk and wrap them into cellophane foil. Refrigerate while preparing the filling.
Heat 2 Tablespoons of the vegan butter in a pan on moderate heat and add the sugar and simmer. Stir around. When the sugar is dissolved, add all the cherries. Combine Cornstarch and Water in a little bowl until the cornstarch is completely dissolved. Add it to the cherries and bring them to a boil. Stir and let it boil for another 2 minutes so that the starch can thicken the cherries. Set aside and let it cool while you prepare the crust.
Preheat the oven to 350-375°F.
Roll out the first disk of dough until its big enough to be the base in your pie plate (about 9-inch). Roll out the other disk of dough and cut long stripes with a knife. These ones will form the lattice on top of the pie. Add the cherry filling into the pie pan and decorate with the dough stripes in the typical pie-lattice shape.
Bake the pie for about 50-60 minutes. Let it cool or serve warm. Listen to Katy Perry songs. Optional: Add vanilla ice-cream. Bon Appetit.

April 27, 2017

Less is more.

This post is probably more important to myself than to anyone else. Right now, there are a lot of changes in my life and at the same time, I feel like I’m turning around and around till I end where I am already right now. I feel like I’m moving a lot but nothing is moving.
And I want to share the solution with you, that I figured out just now.
Before I get to the point, I want to say one more thing. The fact, that I’m overthinking a lot of things is not new to me. And if you can relate to that, don’t worry. This is not a bad thing and I think it happens to all of us, who travel a lot. We travel in our minds. The more “new moments” we experience in the outside, the more we reflect in the inside. And it can be a big distraction. Some days I feel like I am very busy but I’d still need two or three more hours to sit on my blog, write a recipe or do simple work like the laundry.
And then I end up being frustrated. That I wasn’t able to finish a project or work on my ideas. Sometimes I even get upset about myself and I feel like I’m wasting my time instead of being productive. Oh the patience…
The truth is: Change or transition needs time. And this is a good thing. We are humans, and as humans we don’t like to get things ‘for free’ or too easy. We can’t really appreciate them. Think about the love: Nobody is interested in a person that is ‘too easy’ to get. We want to fight for love.
People that win the lottery spend most of their money in the first year after they won. They don’t appreciate the money. Only the money one works for is money that one really appreciates. 
The solution is 90% less is 10% more. And here is it again. The p-word we don’t like, ‘patience’.
Less is more. Short-cuts are no option. Slow down 90% and focus on the 10%. 
Focus on the 10% that bring joy to you, when it comes to your job. Really concentrate on them. If you don’t like what you do, but you enjoy talking to the customer, really focus on the communication. Here are the 10% that you focus on. And you will get really good on these 10% and it might be able to find a new job in the long term.
  • Focus on the 10% of the healthy foods that you really enjoy eating and create recipes with them. These foods will become your new basis for a healthy lifestyle and the foundation for your diet. Talking about me, I love sweet potatoes. I could eat them every day. I also love chickpeas, avocados and tomatoes. So as long as there are sweet potatoes and chickpeas, avocados and tomatoes in the house, there is no excuse to eat unhealthy. 
  • Find the 10% that you love to do in your relationship. If you love to cook for your partner, then really focus on that and put all your love into the food you prepare. Maybe decorate the food on the plate even nicer. Your partner is going to taste the difference. 
  • Find the 10% of exercise and do more of it. You hate swimming and running and all you love is yoga? Then go for it and do yoga every day. Maybe you will try different styles after a while and evolve. There is no need for everyone to become a triathlete that runs, bikes, swims and goes to the gym. But if triathlons are your passion, then off with you on your bike, or whatever you will start with. 
  • Find the 10% of your books that you love reading and read them again. You get way more out of it than if you would force yourself to read new books that you don’t enjoy reading. 
  • Find the 10% of your friends that you love to meet and spend more time with them. 
  • And last, but not least: Find the 10% of the day that are just for you. Don’t do anything else in these 10% than focusing on yourself. If this means taking a bath at night, or walking the dog or meditating. Maybe it means going for a run by yourself, maybe it means cooking some delicious food just for yourself. Maybe it means singing loud to the radio in the car. Amongst all, we should never forget to look after ourselves. Find at least 10% of the day that you have with yourself.

If you concentrate on the 10%, that you like and that you are good in, everything will become easier. It will help you transform into a better version of yourself. It will help you smile more, be healthier, fitter and comparing yourself to nobody else than you (in the past). 

You don’t need to forget about the 90%, but just take it easy. Focus on the 10% that you love and it will make a big difference.

April 26, 2017

MEET in Gastown / MEET on Main

Hey, if you ever come to Vancouver, this should be on you top ten to-do list. Meet in Gastown or Meet on Main. I can totally recommend this restaurant, and now I'll tell you why.
Maybe you have experienced something like that in the past: You walk into a restaurant, you read through the menu and you just want to order everything.

Whatever I ordered so far was out of this world. When I first discovered MEET, all I could order was one of their burgers. They have so many delicious (all vegan) burgers on their menu, it's incredible (for example a "southern bbq burger" with whiskey sauce or a "mac n' cheez burger" which is loaded with mac and cheese sauce made from cashews). I always thought I'll miss out on something if I order one of their bowls or a salad instead of these crazy delicious burgers (that - by the way come with a little side salad and a mountain of fries). I was wrong. Their other dishes (for example "the lovely" - a bowl with brown rice, kale, coconut bacon, marinated organic tofu, shredded carrot and a fantastic almond satay sauce makes me hungry just thinking of it!) are also very good! They have a really tasty chili sin carne on their list, that you can always order on the side! 

However, for your first visit, I would always point to the burgers on the list. 
I don't really know if you can make a reservation (because we ended up there more or less spontaneously) but I would definitely recommend that. This place usually is extremely crowded, sometimes the waitress told us to come back in one hour. 
I didn't really get to order many desserts, because I was just so satisfied that there was no need for it. Next time, I will definitely try the deep fried banana or a cheesecake. 

The pricing is more than fair. You pay around $15 for a main dish, which is - in my opinion really a good price considering that there will definitely only be vegan food on your plate and some of the ingredients are organic!
If I am asked which location I like better, I'd go to Gastown. I just love the atmosphere there, vintage tables and loft style come together in the old part of the city. It's located at 12 Water St. and Meet on Main is located at 4288 Main Street. 
Check out the menu here.
Fact is: You get everything here. Vegan, optional gluten-free. Healthy and nutritious and a little greasy and fast-food-style. Go and check it out!

April 11, 2017

How your wishes come true.

In a yoga class, I heard the following sentences: "Wishing or asking for something actually disconnects you more from becoming or having it, than not wishing or asking for it. The reason is, that when we wish or ask for something, we set the intention that we don't have it already."

This thought really sticks in my mind and since then, I have thought about it and I came to the following conclusion:
If you are realized, pray to get, what you need and not what you want. Because eventually it will come to you. What really helped me was getting conscious about my wishes. 
What you aim for, is not only what you direct your energy and motivation on, but also what lifts you up. Be very mindful. Be positive, and don't beg. Rather concentrate on being rightful. 
Remove the negatives. One person told me once: The universe does not understand 'No' or 'not'. Frame your sentence differently and avoid these words. For instance, you might wish for good health instead of getting sick.
Be specific. Wish for whatever you wish for, but when imagining your dream life, be as specific as possible. By doing that, you will automatically manifest it. Feel how you would feel if your wish would become true right now. 
Evil karma strikes back. Don't wish ill for anyone because it will hit you first. 
The next step is easy. Disconnect from your wish, once you have spoken or thought it. The reason is simple: The more we think about the wish, the more we fear that it might not come true. And again, the energy that is directed to the wish becomes rather negative than positive. By disconnecting from our wishes, we keep it neutral. 
Coming back to the very first idea, remember that whatever you want or need in your life is already yours. We just need to connect with it. For example, if you are looking for a good partner, treat yourself the way you want to be treated by him or her, and set the intention that whoever is connected on a deep level will come into your life. You are not waiting for an angel to fall down from heaven. This person already exists.  And he or she will come into your life. 
Establish the emotional basis and the feelings that you would have if your wish would come true right now, even if it seems to be far away. Right now is the time to set a positive intention.