September 7, 2019

Food, Wine and Wishes

On August 22, I had the pleasure to join the event “Food, Wine and Wishes” at Loutet Farm in North Vancouver.
It was a charity event with silent auction to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Loutet Farm. Loutet Farm is a project initiated by the North Shore Neighbourhood House.
This project is called Edible Garden Project.

“The Vision: Employing underutilized public parkland provided by the City of North Vancouver, Loutet Farm’s goal is to operate an economically viable urban farm within a residential area. Funds generated through the sale of the produce are directed back into the operations of the farm while creating valuable green-collar jobs for north shore residents. In addition, the Loutet Farm offers a range of workshops and hands on learning opportunities focused on sustainable food production for both adults and children.”

Over 200 people are working at Loutet Farm, a non-profit urban farm; producing tons of vegetables per year that are used to provide food to people in need. This is quite unique. 

I'm sharing this because the idea of having urban farms in cities is great; a project to grow local and seasonal vegetables, to teach children the steps between planting seed and harvesting food and to work outside in the nature together - we need more of this. 

It was a beautiful evening with my colleagues and I thank my work for the spontaneous invitation.

Here are some pictures of the event: