October 4, 2016

Breakfast Idea: Oatmeal

Many foods fall in and out of favor. Health trends come and go. Not oatmeal. This whole-grain powerhouse has been packing serious nutrition and hearty flavor into breakfast for generations. It’s one of the few comfort foods that are as good for you as they are just plain good.
To get the most out of this super food, be a bit particular.
Some packets of instant oatmeal, for example, are loaded with sugar -- as much as 8 teaspoons per serving -- and high in sodium. Always check the label to see what you're getting.
Oatmeal is a classic breakfast, I enjoy it every day. The good thing is, it can be made different every time: Add pineapple and coconut in the summer for a refreshing sweet and sour version. Add cinnamon and dates

Its a quick breakfast, made like this: Boil water and soy milk in a pot, add the oats, toss around until the water is gone. 

Reasons why you should have Oatmeal every day:
1. Oats contain a lot of fiber. Fiber helps to stabilize the digestion, but also lowers cholesterol. It also balances blood glucose levels, so you don't have a sugar drop.
2. Oats provide important minerals (e.g. thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium and iron) and vitamins (especially b-vitamins).
3. Oatmeal fits perfectly to fresh or frozen fruit. Fruit is full of antioxidants!
4. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top, that is a secret fat burner!

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